Thursday, February 02, 2006

Bad news first - The math teacher on my team was fired today, I have mixed feelings about this because she was incompetent and yelled a lot but she is a human being and she was nice enough. Although I was listed in her reasons as to why she was not able to do her job appropriately. I also don't know what SIOP is and I took the final for the class tonight.

Good news, I was observed today and that went smoothly. It was also job shadow day so all but like 20 of my kids were absent so that made the day a lot of fun for me and the students who were there. Tomorrow I have my first basketball practice, my class got in the way of it this week. And I am going to the "O" club (the officers club on base) - so who knows maybe I will meet mister right :-) My grandma asked me the other day if I was seeing anyone and when I replied no so said, me either. I guess no one wants to go out with me after my last 2 boyfriends died! I couldn't help but laugh, she said it so matter of factly.

It is about 10:45 and I have been home from bowling about a half hour. I just heard gunfire very close to my house. The dogs are all barking and people are milling about in a frantic way. I am going to stay here and hope that it doesn't happen again. When my heart stops racing I will go to bed. (If you are still reading this you just found out what it is like in my head as I was just typing what I was thinking) Trust me when I say it is tiring to live in here all the time. I am going to crawl under the covers and hope there is no police tape when I go to work in the morning . I will keep you posted.

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