Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hunting Trip

I am exhausted. After two weeks of doing well, mostly nothing, I went on a hunting trip. Fortunately for me it did not involve guns. Sarah and I went to L.A. to look at apartments and I had a job interview, yippee! We left Saturday morning and I drove the five hours up to the city. We found our hotel very easily thanks to the nice lady on the phone. I think she is a computer but she is very helpful just the same.

If you refer to Sarah's blog you can read all about our excursions in the city, I won't bore you with repeating all the details, I will say this. LA is big, very big but the more we drove around, I did get used to it some and I feel better about the move now.

I ended up having two interviews, I got a call Sunday evening to set up a second one in the valley for Monday afternoon. Here's what happened:

Interview #1 - Jewish day school 5th grade position. I am not, nor will I ever be Jewish. I am not from West LA. Two strikes against me in the eyes of the interviewer. She spent the whole time telling me why I wasn't qualified and at one point asked if the public schools were hiring. I left feeling pretty beat down and insulted. Knowing I had no hope of being hired. I was upset because we had spent so much time and money to be in town for the interview.

Interview #2 - Jewish day school 5th grade position. The Head of School was very nice, she was excited to meet me and learn about ME. She had no problem with me not being Jewish and I totally tattled on interviewer #1, she was appalled! I am hoping for an offer from this one by next week, she asked me to call her if I got any other offers this week. I didn't tell her the chances of that were very small!

Encino seems like a good fit for us, we can be Valley girls! It is not too far from UCLA and a little (I stress little) calmer than the city.

Anyway, what will be will be. We are both exhausted from the three day hunting experience but are closer to housing and jobs so that is a good sign. So far my favorite thing about LA is that there is frozen yogurt at every corner!!!!!!

1 comment:

brickmomma said...

Next time say Shalom and ask for some Challah.......see if that helps ;)

I truly enjoyed my time at the Jewish school. I feel I was a beacon of light and I am still in touch with a friend from there.....