Friday, October 24, 2008

I'm Going to Disneyland!

No, it's not just a commercial or a dream folks, Sarah and I won 4 tickets to Disneyland last night! I love this town! (Not to mention Disneyland is within a very reasonable driving distance) Los Angeles Team Mentoring ( is an organization that began after the 1992 riots to give something positive to do with their time and someone to do it with that was a positive influence. They had an informational meeting last night and I dragged Sarah along with me.

It was fun, I met some really nice people and learned that O can participate in the program right in my school. Also, we won the tickets which are good until next June so we can save them until my parents come and take them, we are very excited!!!!


Anonymous said...

No way! I had a dream the other night that I was in Disneyland. -Sus

brickmomma said...

cool! i want to go!