Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Mr. Bush

Normally I do not participate in political debate as I do not really like confrontation and I do not feel that everyone has to believe the same way I do. However, I found myself in a conversation with a colleague (it sounds really old to say that!) today at school about President Bush. We started talking about Al Gore's movie and how people don't take education (or educator's) seriously. And then someone brought up Bush's off the cuff comment to Tony Blair about Syria that was caught on CNN by accident.

Now, I do not believe that it is a secret that I do not like our President, however, I do respect the office and the duties that go along with the office. Last week, our Commander and Chief vetoed a bill that given the go ahead could cure several diseases and push medical research into a place where the doctors determine more of our fate than ever before.

I do not pretend to know all of the facts about stem cell research or being President of the United States. My beef is that Mr. Bush stood up and said that he vetoed the bill because life is precious, the sanctity of life is precoius and we need to protect that. The very next question asked by a reporter was "How many civilian lives have been taken since we went into Iraq?" Bush's response was give or take 30,000. Give or take coming from a man who is in charge of protecting the sanctity of life and in this case the lives of eggs that don't already know their families, their mothers, fathers, children or anything of the world they are to enter given the chance to develop.

I don't know about you but I can't imagine any family who has lost a loved one in the war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Isreal, Lebanon or any other military engagement being ok with their loved one being the margin of error in the President's view.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Sin City!

We have been having great fun here in Las Vegas Nevada! This city is bigger than life - the architecture amazes me inside and out. I wanted to share a funny sign I saw today at the Flamingo casino, it read - "Responsible gambling means keeping track of your children" I found this highly amusing but we know that they never put up warnings unless someone has doen it before.

Also, we saw live flamingos and had a great Italian dinner at Ceaser's Palace. I am exhausted, off to watch Law and Order while we wait for a sand storm to move through. Night!

Friday, July 14, 2006


So we went to Mexico yesterday which is always a great time with food and shopping. Yesterday - for the first time- I noticed a sign when entering the country (Mexico) that said "The guns not allowed in Mexico" I am glad that the Mexican government has a proofreader, otherwise we might be able to make fun of their grammar:-)
Off to Las Vegas tomorrow for 6 whole days! I can't wait to hang out and see all the sights. I really want to see the Hoover Dam and visit the Venetian again (that was my favorite). Enjoy your weekend everyone!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Dirty Hermit

Wow! Today has been a long day. I went and had a deep tissue massage, which, if you have never had one, I don't recommend it. It is very painful. I know it will help me in the long run but it zaps all my energy which is tough with so much to do around the house. We got Sarah's clothes and shoes unpacked and moved our rooms around to accommodate the extra furniture.

We are watching 24 on DVD. This is a very good show but Sarah fell asleep so I am waiting to see if she is going to sleep in her own bed or mine. She is so tired but she doesn't know when to quit, hopefully she will get some rest.

Today after moving furniture, cleaning and sorting, Sarah gave me a new nickname - the dirty hermit. This is apparently what I have turned into. I disagree but Sarah is ALWAYS right:-)
Tomorrow is more unpacking and then to Mexico to buy some stuff to send to Jaime in Iraq. It is 110 degrees here and it is 9:50 p.m.


I am home. Back in Yuma that is. We had a very long vacation - you can check out Sarah's blog for info on that as she already wrote it and I don't want to be redundant. So here's a funny story. The washing machine repairman came today and while he was here I fell down the stairs. Now, I know this won't surprise any of you but it hurt and now I think I should move my bed to the living room and not come up stairs anymore as I cannot appear to handle it.

Further more, the upstairs toilet is broken. Really broken. And maintence still hasn't come to fix it. It is a good thing we have two.

The house is in disarray, there is stuff everywhere and while we should be unpacking we are blogging and catching up on e-mail. Even though we are leaving for Vegas on Saturday for a week. Oh well, all in good time I guess.

Oh yeah... we stopped in St. Louis to see the Arch! It was so fun to see it in person and go up in it. When I get the pictures back I will post them.

Now to open a box - the fun begins.