Saturday, September 22, 2007


We are done hibernating! It is a very exciting morning here in the Knapp apartment in Yuma, Arizona. I woke up this morning to the sounds of outside noise and the fan and it was fantastic. I wasn't cold from the air conditioner, I was cool from the breeze outside as nature intended! Yes, that's right summer is officially over.

For us that means it will no longer be 115 degrees 24 hours a day. It will be nice and warm during the day and cool down to a nice sleeping temperature at night. This is, what I believe to be, the only reason people live in this town. The winter temperatures are fabulous. And now that it has begun we are very, very happy!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Out of Commision

In more ways than one! The last few weeks have not gone well for me health wise. I have been to urgent care twice, the emergency room twice, the neurologist, the ear, nose and throat doctor and had two cat scans and been in antibiotics for a month. Apparently there is nothing wrong with me. Except that I am dizzy and nausea all the time, have bad headaches and am having some blurred vision. But hey- as long as the doctors say there is nothing wrong, I guess I am alright. I have had several plans but so far they have been shot down by my family. My previous post outlined the "check myself into the mental ward" plan and I also had the "go cold turkey" off my meds plan. So if anyone has any ideas for a new plan let me know.

The ENT had a fabulous idea, he knows of this place that people can go to who have debilitating headaches and get any answers from their doctors, it's called the Diamond Headache Clinic. I laughed, I know he was being nice but I was expecting some great answer to come out of his mouth and he came out with Diamond, I was like yeah, I've heard of the place....

Now, to the other reason I am out of commission. I am blogging to you from Sarah's computer. Mine has died. I tried to get it fixed a few weeks ago but no, sadly it's life has ended. I have realized over the years that computers, much like people, have a life span. Mine has reached its lifespan. I have been wanting to save for a laptop. The goal was to get one when we move next summer. So I am going to start saving and use Sarah's for now I suppose.

Anyone that wants to send donations for a new computer for a poor teacher is more than welcome, I have no pride when it comes to asking for money!

Have a good weekend everybody!

Saturday, September 08, 2007

Rumor Mill!

It has been a rough couple of weeks. I am sick. Two trips to the ER, one cat scan, one neurologist, one ear, nose and throat specialist and several antibiotics later I am still dizzy, nausea's and having blurred vision. But none of that even remotely equals the hilarity of the situation that happened at Walgreen's on Thursday night. Yes, that's right Sus, I said Walgreen's!

Thursday was not a good day, I was supposed to take the entire week off to rest which I did not do because according to my loving friends I am trying to kill myself but I did take Friday off out of exhaustion. I had a horrible group of 18 detention kids that night and had to stay at work to write sub plans so I put in a 10 and 1/2 hour day and still had to hit the pharmacy on the way home to pick up a new medication. As I was waiting for the said medication I was browsing and needed to pick up something for a yeast infection courtesy of all the antibiotics I have been pumping into my system.

Picture this: You teach 7Th grade, are trying to buy something for feminine itching and from down the aisle you hear "Hi, Ms. Knapp" and it's a boy! A 13 year old boy coming at you. So I put the box on the shelf and turn discreetly hoping to protect my privacy a little. Chatted wit the boy for a moment and then as he turned to leave he looked at me with this little grin on his face and said don't worry, I won't tell. This is when I noticed I had turned to move away from the products I was buying only to stand in front of the home pregnancy tests!

Now, this combined with the fact that I was MIA on Friday should make for an interesting Monday. I can't wait to see what rumors will be flying - should be interesting!

At least it was something to laugh at in the midst of all the rest. It is all pretty much a mystery right now, the ENT can't agree with the neurologist and has ordered a new CT and the neurologist thinks I am dehydrated and my coworkers think that is absurd as I drink more than a camel on any given day.

I came up with a brilliant plan last night to go to the hospital and check myself into the psychiatric unit and tell them I am making myself sick to force their hand into making a diagnosis. It was perfect, until I realized we don't have a psychiatric department in this hospital. Yeah, that's Yuma.