Monday, August 25, 2008

I'm Here

Yep, I am here, in L.A. I have moved into the house, I like it a lot. We are still unpacking boxes. Where did all of these boxes come from anyway? Who needs all this stuff? I guess I do:-) It has been a long week. I have spent much of the time running around which means learning how to navigate this crazy city. I have spent some time at the DMV and at the Los Angeles Unified School Districts main building.

We have made many trips to Target, Wal-Mart, and the like, we have also been to a museum and Rodeo Drive, the Santa Monica Pier and the famous Chinese theater. We went to church and met our neighbors.

Yes. I am exhausted. I haven't been cleared to start work yet, hopefully that will happen tomorrow, I really need to get into my classroom but there have been so many papers to fill out and I had to have a TB test and a physical and get special paperwork from the Doc in Chicago. I had to do various other boring things as well that take time. It is a long process to be a teacher here.

That's it for now, wanted you to know I am here, haven't forgotten you and know you want updates. Pictures are forthcoming as are some funny stories because you know chaos ensues wherever I go! But right now I must close my eyes, they are heavy.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Then came the answered prayers!

As many of my loyal readers know it has been a long summer. Of waiting. And wondering. And praying. And waiting. Well the wait is over my friends! That's right, get out those address books and get ready to change mine because I am moving this week, not soon or within the next two weeks or by the end of the month, nope this week! Here's what happened:

I went to a job fair for science teachers, it was different than those I had been to before. You put your resume in envelopes and waited to be called for an interview. I got called many times. Sarah went with me and said when I was out interviewing I kept being called. I felt really good about that, I know I shouldn't brag but there were some people who didn't get called at all, it was sad. I interviewed for a 6th grade position, and 3 science positions but no direct offers were given. They were announcing the people who were being hired in the waiting area and it was happening fast.

At one point the man with the microphone announced that a middle school needed a science teacher but had no candidates and was taking volunteers. Sarah went for the map to check the location and I went up to volunteer, hey I need a job right! They took me in and I spoke with two women from John Burroughs Middle School about a science position until the Assistant Principal noticed my resume. She asked about my English background and was very interested in my work in Yuma. She said they had a 7th grade English position open and would I rather have that. DUH! Of course I would! We talked about English and they said I was a great fit for their gifted and talented program and offered me the position. It was fate. Not really, I know the big guy had this plan all along and it is perfect so far!!!!

We got a hotel room, had supper and got Friday to find a place to live. The second place we went to was it, a nice little house in a good neighborhood less than 5 minutes from my school and very close to Sarah's. The broker loved us (and our credit scores), even the lady at Office Depot loved us! we were having a banner day let me tell you :-)

We signed the lease and take it over as of Tuesday (my birthday!). We got home late Friday and today has been a whirlwind. We had a mini pool party/BBQ with some friends complete with birthday cake and lots of laughter.

Then I watched Michael Phelps make history with his 8th Gold Medal of this Olympics. Sarah fell asleep awhile ago but I have been to psyched to sleep much yesterday or today. I can't wait to get into my classroom and figure out just how you teach gifted and talented children. I am used to the other end of the spectrum!

To all of you that have been pulling for me these past months, thank you, I would never had made it without your kind words and encouragement. We have lots of room so if anyone wants to visit LA is way more fun than Yuma, I promise!!!!

Friday, August 08, 2008


Sarah left me a surprise the other day, imagine coming back to your computer and finding this as your background!!!!!

One More Rabbit

On Wednesday I was told that I was a great candidate and that it was a very difficult decision and not everyone is told that but I would not be offered a job at the Jewish Day School I had so hoping would put an end to all the craziness in my life. I, in my always calm, clear thinking responses, decided I did not want to work with people I would not see in Heaven anyway. So there.

After getting the news I sat very still for a while but did not cry. This is usually my visceral reaction. I was unexpectedly calm, like somehow, deep down I knew that this was supposed to happen. I immediately went for the computer and got on the phone with the Los Angeles Unified School District. The second (to NYC) largest in the country. I had applied months ago and not responded to their request for an interview, certain something better would come along. I looked at Sarah and told her this was truly the last rabbit I had to pull out of my hat. If this didn't work we were looking at the not so good plan c. (trust me you don't want to know about plan c).

I spoke to a very nice recruiter who set up an interview for Thursday afternoon and assured me everything would be fine. Sarah and I made arrangements, not difficult really. Just making sure we had peanut butter sandwiches and all :-) Thursday morning I called on a hunch to ask a question and spoke to another recruiter who informed me that I was not qualified to to middle school science and should not waste the gas to drive up. I was devastated. To the fact that I hid in my closet to cry privately. Sarah lost me for a few minutes which is hard to do in our apartment when she located me and I told her the news we called my mom and went into plan c mode. It was horrible. We were going to have to repack everything and separate.

Then, the recruiter called back and said hey, what do you know - you can teach science! So come on down. Wow - many more false alarms like that and I may actually have a stroke. So off we went. The interview was fine, they shuffled you from office to office meeting very nice people. The employees on the 15th floor were very excited to meet me as I am No Child Left Behind compliant to teach science at the middle school level, this is a huge shortage for the district.

The moment I got there people started whispering that I was there for science and checking my credentials. My recruiter came looking for me, very excited that he had landed me, in reality I had called him! I got invited to a special event for science teachers next Thursday so back up we go, hopefully by then we will be able to get an apartment and get the move solidified.

Here's what I have decided. I believe in public school, I was educated in public schools all the way through college and intend to get my masters at one, soon. I know many smart people who were educated in the public system and I know it works. There are problems. There are problems with every system. I got a little lost in my search for employment. The private schools I was looking at were flashy and selective both in students and staff. All students were at grade level and above, no discipline problems as such and very involved parents.

But what happens to the kids who are below grade level, whose parents can't be involved, who act out because they don't understand or don't know any better. On this long, incredibly difficult journey Sarah and I have been on these past months I have learned something about myself. I need to teach the students that need teachers. The Los Angeles Unified School District is not well funded, it is not known for flashy buildings and up to date technology. There are gang problems and long days for staff. The pay is pretty good but not great but they need teachers because they have kids. They have thousands of kids who will start school this year not ready to learn or behave, not ready to be in the grade they have been promoted to, not ready to sit in a desk or take notes, not ready to listen to someone tell them what to do. But I will be there teacher because as it turns out, that's what I am good at. Teaching the kids that need teachers.