Sunday, September 28, 2008

News from the Coast

Well another busy week has passed here on the west coast and we are making the most of it!

Thursday was parents night at school and I had a huge turnout which was great. It is rare to see so many parents interested in their child's education after elementary school. I had about 80 parents out of 170 kids. Far above the non-magnet classes.

I took Friday off to go the pain clinic at Cedar-Sinai where my new headache Dr. is located. He seems very nice and hands on. I go back on Thursday to see a psychologist and to decide on a treatment plan. He gave me several personality tests to take and send in that will give him a better idea of the course of treatment that will be best. I had to get several prescriptions filled and the co-pay was only $5 each with my new insurance. It's fabulous. A month ago I would have paid almost $100 a piece for them.

Friday night we had a new friend over (Sean) from church for pizza and cards and then met up with another group and a bar called Snow White's. It's a really small place but all the artwork is original and was done by the Disney artists who created the original Snow White for Disney. It was really cool!

I met new fun people too; a stuntman who once got beat up by Tori Spelling on 90210 and was Andrew Shue's double on Melrose Place for a couple years and jumped off a cliff for my friend Pauley in a movie (apparently it's hard to find tall stunt woman). There was a video editor, a playwrite/actor and 4 5 of us were originally from Michigan. Too crazy!

Saturday we did some errand stuff and watched movies with Emily. Sunday we did the church thing and then while Sarah was writing I took my written tests for the doctor.

Tomorrow it is back to work but we have Tuesday off as an unassigned day so I am going to volunteer at church for the homeless lunch.

On the 19th of October, I am joining the Hollywood United Methodist Church as an associate member. I have a sponsor and everything (afore mentioned Sean). I am joining as an associate because I am not ready to sever my membership in Howell yet. This way I can have the best of both worlds!

That's all for now - Tomorrow I am back at Snow White's after work to meet the gang since it's not a school night.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Commuter for a Day

Today I joined the ranks of those who get on the freeway every morning here in the City of Angels and crawl their way to work. I had a training to attend at Pepperdine University in Culver City which is only about 15 miles from me in reality. I knew it would take awhile because I had to get on two of the busiest commuter routes in L.A.

I gave myself an hour and after 15 minutes of the freeway I reset my GPS to the surface streets and wound my way through the city. In reality it probably took the same amount of time but at least I was moving! I got to the conference at 7:56 - right on time.

I left the area around 2:45 and expresswayed it home the congestion was lighter because it wasn't rush hour and it took me about 30 minutes or so. I have come to the conclusion that the pace of the freeway here is the pace of life. It doesn't pay to be in a hurry. There are rarely accidents holding traffic up, or construction. It is the sheer number of cars and people going about their business. It doesn't bother me too much because I don't have to deal with it very much I guess. I find it interesting to watch the other people too.

When I got home I was standing in the living room talking to Sarah and all of a sudden Sarah gasped and I heard a weird noise. I looked out the window and saw a car turning around in the street/our driveway. He had hit our neighbor's cinder block (used to keep people out of the driveway) and my car. There was no noise but my car was physically shaking. I headed out the front door at a quick rate looked at him and turned to look at my car. I assumed (yeah I know what happens) that he was stopping on the street. When I turned back around he was gone. He just took off.

My car is scratched. Not dented but definitely scratched. I am pissed. We didn't get the license number on his car. In California you can't file a no fault claim so I am stuck with it. Now it matches the front of the car where the same thing happened a month ago although I didn't witness it. I am tired of people using my car as a bumper.

It will be paid off in six months or less so mom suggested maybe I can get it buffed or something since there are no actual dents just scratches. It is frustrating.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Tales of JB

JB will be what I use to refer to my school from here on out, it looks better than it sounds, as I thought everyone was saying JV (junior varsity) pride for awhile. I know, I know. Anyway, here are some things that have been going on with my new great kids. We really aren't having any problems. They are quiet, hardworking and eager to please. I had them create goals and they came up with awesome ones.
I also put out a sign out sheet for my classroom library and within 5 days I had to put out another, the books are flying off the shelves, these kids read and I mean read, they love to read and talk about the books they are reading. I put the book orders out today and you would have thought it was everyone's birthday!

Today we had an assembly and not only did I get to sit with my class and not have to speak to anyone about behavior, the students took it upon themselves to clap for the people speaking to them about the rules and expectations of the schools. When I got back to my room one of my students asked me how I got up the stairs. I paused and said I walked. He then asked how in my heels and skirt. I smiled and said I do it everyday. Granted, they are higher heels than normal but I still have a classroom on the second floor! I asked him how he thought I got upstairs everyday and he said he hadn't ever thought about it before but it must be hard. They are sweet!

I am coming back to this after school and there are two boys in my room combing the book order trying to figure out how the one can make his 10 dollar allowance into $38 to buy the Harry Potter box set! I can't get rid of them :-)

I have to get home as Sarah and I are off to parking services to get her a pass for school, she starts soon and maybe some pinkberry! A new addiction we have developed!

Monday, September 08, 2008


I have been wanting to take some time to update you about my new job and I have finally found a few minutes to spare, this is what has been happening since the day I accepted the position. I waited around for the call, I had been told that someone would contact me. I got a call Monday afternoon from the liaison telling me to come in to headquarters and sign on the dotted line. Oh, if it were only that easy...

We moved the 20th and on the 21st I went in to take care of paperwork, thinking it would be a snap because I already had my credential. I was sooooo wrong. First I had to be fingerprinted, they use this high-tech system with no ink! Even though I had already cleared with the FBI in July, the district requires their own screening which can take anywhere from a day to 4 weeks to clear. Then I had to fill out a bunch of usual tax papers and such, get a TB test and was then informed I would need to pass a physical. I was given a list of doctors and told to come back Monday to check the TB test and have the physical completed.

At this point I had been given my salary which was good news but told that I would be paid once a month and that September was a no go. This was no good considering we had spent every last dime on our down payment and moving. Things were not looking up.

Friday we went to the DMV (which requires at least two visits) and then I went to a clinic in Hollywood to get my physical done. It was very routine, I also received word that my fingerprints had cleared so I assumed Monday I would go in, sign and be done. Wrong again!

Monday I go directly to the health office, my TB test checks out just fine for once (I usually test false positive) and hand over my physical. The nurse quickly latches on to the fact that I take anti-depressants and this may somehow endanger children so she gives me paperwork that HAS to be filled out by the diagnosing doctor. This is a bit difficult because I have been on meds since 2000 and that was many, many doctors ago. I took the forms upstairs to my contract liaison and begged her to fax them to the clinic in Chicago. Then I called Chicago, talked to the nurse who said she would fill them out and fax them back. I waited, and waited and waited some more. About an hour after Chicago business closed for the day I went home frustrated (after Sarah picked me up - she got lost in Little Tokyo). Tuesday, I call to find the fax, no one can find it on the phone so I go in (long drive). It's not there, I am thoroughly upset now and done wasting my time at this point. I am seriously considering hurting someone.

At this point the department manager gives me his cell number and tells me not to come back until I talk to him and he has the fax. Finally, some progress. He also said that as long as it was ok with my principal I could go into my room and start getting ready. That took a load off! The fax finally made it and the nurse still didn't want to clear me because the clinic didn't put some number on it, I must have looked desperate because she put me through anyway - Thank God. I went upstairs signed and left and official employee.

Except that I didn't have an employee number so I couldn't sign up for benefits. This was Wednesday and if I didn't sign up by Friday (month's end) I would have to wait until October. Again, panic mode!

Thursday and Friday Sarah and Dad helped me clean out the horrible mess in my room and set up my stuff, it was a huge undertaking in two days but the results were great. Friday morning while dad was with the electricians at the house I got a page that my employee number had come in at school. Sarah and I rushed downtown to sign up for my benefits, we made it just in time for the September deadline.

By Friday night we were all pretty beat but things were looking up, the house was unpacked, my room was ready to go and we had had some fun with my dad while he was in town. It was a crazy two weeks but definitely worth it in the long run.

Today was the first full day of school and can I just say that I am loving my job so far. The faculty and staff are so nice, everyone has been incredibly helpful. One woman actually went out of her way to explain the fire drill procedure to me and I didn't even know who she was!

The kids are great, they are so full of energy yet, they have a need to learn and really do their best at everything. One of the things we did was write down dreams for the future and I saw everything from dentist to engineer to inventing an air tank small enough to fit in your mouth so you can go deep into the water, lawyer, marine biologist, teacher, saving the world, computer engineer, attend an ivy league school and much more. These kids have plans and they are already working the plans to make their dreams come true.

This school is providing a place for students to have the opportunity to learn, grow, and develop talents in a safe and appropriate atmosphere that they may not have had in their own neighborhood. I feel truly blessed to have been placed here and though the road was long and I grew weary I am so thankful that no one gave up on me and you all helped me stay positive so that I could get to this place.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

10 Things I Love About Los Angeles

10. Thousands of restaurants to choose from!
9. My house is big, breezy and beautiful!
8. I live 30 minutes from the ocean
7. At any given time you can see a man walking down the street selling balloons and cotton candy, no parade required!
6. My job is on Willshire boulevard! And I love the school, colleagues and kids (so far at least) :-)
5. I live in a neighborhood where the moms call their kids home for dinner - really!
4. I do not have a dress code for work, I can once again wear all my clothes, not just the ones I am forced to!
3. There are at least 4 malls within 20 minutes of my house!
2. There is a really great church close to our house and it is Methodist!

And the # 1 thing I love about Los Angeles is.....

I am on this surreal adventure and around every corner is another great thing to do or see, as soon as the exhaustion of week 1 at school wears off I will share more!