Tuesday, January 20, 2009

A Time for Change

Today will be one of those days. One of those days when someone says do you remember where you were when....? In this case it will be when Barack Obama was inaugurated. Today I witnessed a historic occasion and the importance was not lost on me. I watched the swearing in inside the school auditorium with 6th, 7th and 8th graders, colleagues, and administrators. We were a diverse group, Koreans, African Americans, Caucasians, Filipinos, Japanese, Hispanics, young, old and yet we all sat in silence (or near they are middle schoolers after all!) and took in what was happening on the screen. Our new President talking about hard work and picking ourselves up, a country ready to lead again. The auditorium erupted in cheers time and again. They were listening and excited by this man who in their eyes has come to make their lives better.

I listened too. I listened to every word from we are in trouble to we can come through this and be better than before. I heard the message and I believe him. I believe it is a time for change in this country and I believe Barack Obama is the man to do it. Putting this country back together is no small task. Fortunately, President Obama has the weight of the American people behind him. I know he has the weight of my students behind him and from what I have seen if they put their mind to something watch out!

Sunday, January 04, 2009

2008 - What Made it Great

I couldn't resist with the title! But really though I want to reflect and encourage you to reflect on what made this past year such a life altering year for us all. I don't think we consider enough how much the small yes's and no's, little changes here and there, and the huge life altering decisions that we make really create each year for us. So take a moment, look back and see what did you do that shaped 2008 for you. Here's mine:

January 1st - started reading the Bible, one slow day at a time and sometimes a whole month at once to catch up but I did it, on December 31st, 2008 I finished reading the entire bible and it changed me. It may have confused me more than clarified things but it had an impact and that's what matters.

Quit my job without having a new one lined up, not something I recommend to others. It was scary but strangely freeing. And turned out to be a great decision that I would not discover for many agonizing months.

Got a new job. After several anxiety ridden months and facing life in a cardboard box I pulled myself together and figured out how to get a job in a big city, you beg. It worked. I got the job I wanted and that I love. Thank you George.

Moved to Los Angeles, the biggest city in the world. Well probably not but it is for me. It is huge and scary and there are millions of people and cars and I never thought I would leave the tiny apartment we were going to be forced to live in. But then we found this amazing house and I drove to work and now I can drive many places as long as I have my GPS friend.

Became a patient at the Cedar Sinai Pain Center where they are helping me to control my headaches through means other than medication, I feel hopeful for the future and less pain.

Went back to church. I hadn't been attended church regularly in three years and had found other things to do with my Sunday mornings. Sarah encouraged me to try a church in Los Angeles and I agreed. I liked it and have been going back ever sense.

Back to school. Since I became an official teacher three years ago I have had this idea that I wanted to get my National Certification. Among educator's this is an elite group and not easily attained. I knew with the move to LA I would have to get my Masters and then I found out I could get my National Certification instead. It is a faster and less expensive alternative but like I said is more difficult. I have three more months and and a big test to take.

There are many more events that shaped the year for me, the presidential election, two visits to Michigan and one to Texas, a very long road trip, becoming addicted to facebook :-), moving my self for the first time, and much much more.

So what made it great for you?