Sunday, July 29, 2007

Movie Mania!

I am not one say "hey - let's watch a movie" or "Want to go to the movies?" Sarah is the one that loves movies and I am usually caught up in her excitement. But this summer we have been taking in lots of movies old and new and it has been lots of fun. One day we even say two in a row at the theater and I don't think I have ever done that! So here is what we've seen recently and what I thought but please see them and form your own opinions, never take my word for it because I don't get out much:-)

Inside Out: Indie film with big names, strange, dark and not my cup of tea. I do like Steven Webber though.

Music and Lyrics: Very cute. Hugh Grant is so funny! It is worth it just to see him do the 80's music video.

The Holiday: Second time I had seen this, very enjoyable although I did nap through most of the second half. oops.

Breach: S...l....o....w... I guess it is hard when you know going in what the ending is but some of the details were sketchy and I wanted to know more about why he sold secrets.

Over the Hedge: Again, second time through but it gets me every time, they are so darn cute!

Evan Almighty: This was funny, I liked it better than Evan Almighty, it had a great message and lots great one liners.

Harry Potter 5: What can you say - it's Harry Pottter.

Hairspray: I highly recommend this one - great songs and the cast was amazing!

I Now Pronounce You Chuck and Larry: Hilarious! I was skeptical going in but Kevin James is really funny and Adam Sandler seems to have grown up a bit. The movie was definitely worth sitting through it with two of our former students in the theater (which at first was a little uncomfortable)

Live Free/Die Hard: Very funny, Justin Long is hilarious and Kevin Smith plays a funny guy too. Lots of action and suspense!

Summer School: Sarah had never seen this so we netflixed it and it is good summer fun all the time plus Mark Harmon is good all the time too.

National Treasure: Again, a repeat for me but I wanted Sarah to watch it and I enjoyed it again. I like the history part.

Daddy's Girls: Very moving story, quite sad when you realize that this happens in real life all too often. Tyler Perry is a great film maker.

That's it for now, we have three new ones down stairs awaiting us. Work starts this week so our free time will dwindle a bit but I am sure we will keep our netflix subscription busy. If you have any recommendations let me know!

Friday, July 20, 2007

Afraid to Jump?

I was very fortunate this past week to visit my cousin and her family in Texas for a week. She has a 4 year old, a three year old and an 11 week old. It is a very busy house but so full of love you hardly notice! As a teacher and someone who questions whether they want children or not of my own it was refreshing to see what I did. My cousin is a wonderful mom, she cares more about her children than whether her house is spotless and her husband takes on the role of dad and husband in a way that many men choose not to. He is there for everything, he cooks, cleans and puts away the bad guys during the day. The family is not perfect but they worship God with all their hearts and are wonderful examples to all those around them.

Now, as to the title of the blog:

While in Texas we went to the mall, no small feat with 3 little ones to eat in the food court and play in the indoor playground. After we ate, I sent mommy and Sarah away for some shopping and took it upon myself to watch the little ones play and wear the littlest one in her sling around my neck (this is the only way she likes to travel). I was sitting there watching about 25 little people run around, bouncing, jumping and climbing with no hesitation. I don't interact with young children as much as I used to anymore.

One child was standing on a slide and jumped, straight down to the floor. I was ready to pounce when the screams started, as were many other adults I noticed around me. But there were no screams, no hesitation at all. She stood up and ran off to the next activity.

I sat there thinking about how much the bottoms of my feet would sting if I had hit the floor like that and how it would reverberate up my legs painfully. How I would have hesitated at the top, looked for an alternate route down and then taken the safer way. I would have at least bent my knees and tried to soften my fall somehow.

It got me thinking that I miss that about childhood. The no hesitation to do anything. The ability kids have to go at warp speed and not have to think about the consequences until later. Not one of those kids was worried about being abducted but every time one of my little ones ran behind the big play structure I was on my feet looking to make sure they came back around the other side.

I wonder where it starts, where do we get the innate fear to question everyone and everything around us? Where does that come from? At what point did I think it was more important to be careful and not get hurt than to jump or take a risk to be happy. It seems like when a situation presents itself we think of 14 ways it can play out before entering the situation. Children see one and walk into it. I teach problem solving as a teacher I am not sure if that helps them or if it hinders them. So, are you afraid to jump?

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


Small wooden puppy on red string. It was mysteriously zipped into my suitcase when I unpacked this morning from my month long trip. It must have been put in when I was in either Michigan or Texas - (unless some stranger at the airport thought I needed a puppy!) My guess is some little bricks were involved...Anybody have a theory?????

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Family Fun

While you all have been waiting with bated breath for a new post I have been having a terrific vacation. My parents were able to take some time off and we visited some family, ate out (to avoid dishes), shopped (which resulted in too much stuff for suitcases!) and had fun.

We took in a Lugnuts game on July 3rd which is always great fun. For those not familiar, it is a farm team out of Lansing. It is a small stadium but baseball just the same. I for one love baseball games. In fact, it is the only sport I really enjoy watching. We ate there which meant hot dogs and nachos and pretzels. We threw in some Twizlers and popcorn too. Then the evening ended with fireworks!

The fourth of July was a planned day at the lake on the Roxberry's boat. This had been planned for quite some time so when the weather looked as if it wasn't going to cooperate we were not deterred in the least. Even when everyone else bailed. The Knapp's and the Roxberry's have been doing the lake thing for years and the threat of rain would not stop us! Sarah and I were dropped of at 10:30 a.m. to guard the picnic spot at the beach in case other crazy people decided to venture out. Then the boat was launched and the supplies arrived at 12. The day ended up perfect. The lack of sun was a good thing for me as I had been burned the weekend before and was not looking forward to that again. We spent the day in the boat and eating our massive picnic for 30 because again, everyone else bailed on account of the weather. We went tubing - I got thrown off once with bruises to prove it. The sun did come out eventually making for a very fine 4Th.

That's just two days of the many I have been gone, I will fill you in on the rest later gators.

Monday, July 09, 2007

Staples rocks!

$12.55 on debit card. Four trips to two Staples stores in two cities in two days. 115 pencil sharpeners, 114 bottles of glue and 114 packages of pencils (912 pencils = one for every kid in Crane Middle School). WHAT A DEAL!!!!