Thursday, April 21, 2011

Lenten devotional

Maundy Thursday, April 21
John 13:1-17, 33-35

“A new command I give you: Love one another”

As a teacher I understand how challenging it is to see your student not
understand something time and time again. Jesus faced this same
challenge throughout his time on Earth. He was sent here to show
God’s love and was instead misunderstood, mistreated, and ultimately
betrayed by one of his closest friends. The disciples knew there was
something special about their teacher but they couldn’t quite put their
fingers on it. They couldn’t see the big picture Jesus was trying to paint
for them and for those who would come after them.

It wasn’t until Jesus was preparing to make the final sacrifice that he
was able to get through to some of the disciples. His final lesson was
perhaps his most important: “A new command I give you; Love one

As students of Jesus we, as Christians, do many things to reach an
understanding of what he intended for us. We read scripture, attend
church services, join Bible studies and volunteer to help those less
fortunate. However, if we do not follow this new commandment all of
that is for naught. As Christians we must love first and let everything
else follow. Without love, God would never have sent Jesus to be our
teacher and we would not have chance after chance to learn the
lessons He meant for us.

As we observe Maundy Thursday and prepare for Good Friday
remember that Christ came in love, taught in love and died in love. For
me, and for you.

- Angela Knapp