Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Spirit of the Season

I got a surprise today when I got to school, I was informed that my third period would be attending the annual holiday music program. This was a pleasant surprise as I enjoy the assemblies JB puts on and the seating chart revealed we had front row seats!

I have never been more amazed at the abilities of middle school students than I was today at the concert. There were several girls that sang popular songs and the pipes on these young ladies would rival what you hear on the radio today. A young man played Chopin on the piano and having played piano quite a few years ago myself I was in awe.

The concert band and the orchestra played with a togetherness I have not seen from some high school ensembles and the instruments - violins, cellos, incredible.

If ever there was an argument for not getting rid of music programs in public school, this was it. For anyone who is interested the evening program is tomorrow, Thursday at 7 in the JB auditorium!

Balloon Pants

Yesterday as I got out of my car and started the trek across campus in the rain a student was suddenly at my side asking if she could walk with me. I am used to students saying good morning but I don't usually get escorted to class!

I said sure and we walked across campus in the cold. She was all bundled up in this ankle length brown coat with a fur lined hood. I asked her what was up and she spilled. Her mom had made her wear these "ugly, brown, balloon pants" her words not mine :-) They were not technically uniform so I asked why mom had made her wear them. Apparently laundry day had come and gone and they had not made it to the laundry mat so all her regular clothes were dirty and these were all that were left.

I told her it would be ok and she said she knew it would be because she intended to leave the coat on all day, good thing it was cold!

This brought back unpleasant memories of my middle school days and the relief that I no longer have to wear long coats to cover up bad outfits (although maybe I should!) What are some of your worst middle school moments.

By the way, she made it all day without taking off the coat and no one saw the horrific pants:-)

Monday, December 15, 2008

This old house

Last night as I was getting ready for bed I turned on the hair dryer and just like that the hair dryer went off, along with the television, the space heaters and multiple other the lamp. Yep we had blown a fuse. Up until this point we were not aware all the outlets were connected to one circuit. Of course this happens at night, when it has started to rain and it is cooolllddd. So I don my rain slicker, grab a flashlight and head to the backyard, aren't all fuse boxes in the backyard!

Once outside I locate the fuse box and realize the fuses aren't labeled, I look for ones that are off but don't see any so it was trial and error from here on out. Sarah was inside waiting for something to turn back on and I started flipping switches and nothing was happening. I thought we were in pretty big trouble when I flipped one switch and every light in the house when out! Oops!

I finally found the right one and everything was OK, now we know we can't run everything at once is all. I guess growing up in a old house served us well!

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Advent Devotional 2008

This is the devotional I wrote for the Advent book at church this year. Mine was scheduled to be read on Sunday, the second Sunday of Advent. I am a couple days late in posting it but I thought I would share -

Isaiah 11:1-10 looks toward the rule of the one whose life is to be shaped by the “spirit of the Lord”. In advent we are preparing for Christmas, the birth of Jesus, our savior. With that we are also preparing for the reign of Christ and the celebration of the opportunity to become members of God’s Kingdom.
The image of the stump in Isaiah gives us a visual representation of taking away the old to get back to the beginning of where our hearts are supposed to be. It also allows for new growth and love through the birth of the baby Jesus.
The season of advent is a time of newness, of celebration. It is also a time for gifts. Not the wrapped packages under the tree, but the spiritual gifts God sent to us in Jesus. Jesus was sent to give us the gifts of the spirit including wisdom and understanding. On that very special night so very long ago few people understood just how much wisdom and understanding a tiny baby would have. Jesus’ life is an inspiration to us. The baby in the manger grew up to face mistrust, adversaries, and mocking at ever turn yet he continued to share his wisdom and understanding with those around him. Jesus never gave up teaching and spreading the word through the land.
As we go through this season of advent, remember not only the gifts that you receive but also that Jesus came bearing gifts that Christmas morning long ago; gifts that remind us to be tolerant and to learn from each other.

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

This is why people don't like children.