Sunday, January 28, 2007

Tax Time!

It's that time of year again, the time that I have to collect every document to take to the tax people. Most people my age do short form but because I supposedly own a small business I have to itemize. This has its advantages because I can now file my school expenses and my medical expenses. This past year after insuarance I paid a total of $962.95 for prescriptions, that is out of pocket. And people thought I just didn't know how to manage my money, it turns out I don't have any to manage!

Yesterday I got this paper from the Michigan Department of Treasury inquiring about last year's refund, this makes me VERY nervous because last year all my tax documents got lost in the mail and I filed anyway so if audited I can prove nothing. Oh well, what are they going to do? Take my car that's not paid for?

It is Sunday night and it has been a crazy weekend, worked late Friday because I was behind on grading, class all day Saturday and the gym today. That's right we went to the gym today, our first time. I am so proud of us and it was fun. There is a weight room just for women and these fun machines that are like skiing. Tomorrow we are going to aerobics class. Then we went to Target and bought pedometers. Tomorrow is the first day wearing it, I will let oyu know how many steps I go, I am issuing a challenge to anyone out there to try and beat my steps so we can all be healthy together. They are fairly inexspenive, mine was 6 dollars. night!

Sunday, January 14, 2007


I have been feeling better up until yesterday and my head hurt really bad so I had to give myself a shot. Now, Sarah could have given it to me but I am really trying to do this myself so I can be independent with it. She was there the whole time though and almost took a syringe to the foot. I am still a novice.

Giving myself the shots is not so bad but it hurts a little and I am so afraid I am going to mess something up horribly. But thankfully everything went according to plan and I felt better last night.

Today I am going to spin class, I joined the gym last week and have yet to make it there so I am going today, I think a class is a safe way to start. I have always avoided gyms but Sarah and I decided we needed some motivation. Being a stationary bike there is less hope of me falling off and breaking something.

But good news on the diet end, I have given up soda, yes even diet, and we have been eating lots of organic stuff and I lost 5 pounds this past week. It is a good start and I anticipate being back in my skinny clothes by the end of February.
Happy MLK!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Wrong side of the rock

Well, once again, I have not blogged in forever. Things have been crazy busy here when I am not crashing. I love year round school but going back after each vacation seems like the first day all over again and is jsut as tiring.

We joined a gym but haven't made it yet, Saturday is the day! I am excited but this week has been to crazy. The kids have told me I have been meaner since I went to Chicago, this is not true but they haven't seen me in a while so maybe they forgot what I was like. One of my darlings asked me today if I got up on the wrong side of the rock. They haven't discovered tact yet so I choose to ignore them.

All in all I am feeling pretty good, no major pain since Sunday actually, knock on wood. I have a story about the prescriptions and stuff but that is for another day right now I have to go to bed to start all over (but it si a three day weekend!!!) and figure out how to remember to call the garbage disposal fixers because I have forgotten the last two days, night!

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


It's hard to believe the holidays that were just upon us are now behind us. We have opened all the packages, welcomed the new baby Jesus, and rung in the new year. We here at the Knapp house have done the usual - three family Christmas', Christmas morning here with just the four of us, New Year's with Sus like the old days and some reading and puzzling in between.

It has been nice and unhurried, although I guess I am not able to hurry as I get car sick everytime we set out to go somewhere and have had a migraine everyday. So I am sticking pretty close to the house. As I write this I am waiting for a call form Chicago to see whether or not I will be readmitted this week to the in patient clinic there. It is a huge struggle because I want to feel better and get help but at the same time I want to go home and get back to my life.

I have this split personality thing going on right now, one is saying go to the hospital and get better, take care of yourself. The other is saying, you are going to live with this forever get used to it. I guess I will let the doctor make the call. Thanks for all the prayers I know you are all sending, they help.