Tuesday, August 21, 2007


I was treated like a QUEEN this weekend! It was so fun, I love birthdays! I know some people don't but it has always been a celebration in my family and even with being so far away it is still special. Saturday I got a massage and Arcy (the best massage therapist in the world!) gave me a certificate for a free massage in the future as a b-day gift! Sarah took me to the movies Saturday afternoon and then surprised me with dinner at Chili's with some friends and coldstone after - perfecto!

Sunday - the big day - She made me chocolate chip pancakes, turkey bacon and OJ in bed, I didn't have to get up at all! Then we goofed around most of the day watching T.V., grocery shopping and such.

There were so many cards, phone calls and gifts, I was beyond grateful for everyone's good wishes, it always makes the homesickness better.

I am off to dry me hair - a la Sarah's post of loving water and then I will get ready to sleep a little, it's only Tuesday but it feels like next Thursday!

Love you All!!!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Search and Rescue

Devotion to duty, patriotism and selflessness are hallmarks of search and rescue crew
members. They were outstanding members of this command and as a close-knit family
we mourn their loss.

This was part of the statement made by the commanding officer of the 4 search and rescue crew members that were killed in a helicopter crash on Thursday afternoon here in Yuma. There were 5 men on board (4 Marines and one Naval officer) doing a routine practice flight when they lost radio contact at 4 p.m. A second search and rescue team found the crash site 20 miles north of Yuma, near the Colorado River around midnight Thursday. One Marine is in fair condition at the hospital. All the names have been released now, meaning all the next of kin has been notified. I realize this may seem like an awkward post but tonight I was with some Marine wives whose husbands knew these men, one had served over seas with one. My friend Jules is getting her group together to take meals to the families. One of the widows has two small children and is pregnant with her third.

As we sat there tonight I new what they were thinking. It could have been me. It could have been me making the arrangements, fielding calls and accepting condolences. It could have been me facing the thought of burying my young husband. All were 35 and under, the one in the hospital is 21 years old. I can't imagine how difficult it must be for them to face that reality, I see it from afar but I too am affected. I know these men, I spend time with their wives, children and them. I have gotten to know them over the last couple of years and to realize that they could be gone in an instant is a very terrifying thought.

I never dreamed this would be my experience in Yuma but it is. I am thankful to have my friends. To know them and love them and spend time with them. It has and will forever change how I view the military service in this country. It is a duty that many are called to but it is just as much a sacrifice and for those that sacrifice their freedom, families and sometimes their lives - I am forever in debt and thankful.

God Bless the families of the 4 soldiers killed Thursday in Yuma, Arizona.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Blown Away!

That's how I feel right now, blown away! I spent the weeks leading up to school figuring out all the things I did wrong last year and how to be a better interventionist this year. I had centers ready and progress monitoring stations and all kinds of systems in place. It was going to be great. It needed to be because I had seen the scores, I knew these kids were low and it was going to take blood sweat and tears to get them ready for AIMS.

Turns out, all it took was one week, some discipline and a pre-test to determine that they were, in fact, at or above grade level, great writers, good listeners and ready to learn everything they could. So over the weekend I changed everything out to grade level reading, created new systems and plans and reset my expectations. These kids are great, they are respectful, quiet and nice. Now, someone will have to remind me of this on the off days as there are bound to be Check Spellingsome but for now I am enjoying my new found super kids.

Today they actually worked independently for about 25 minutes and didn't get out of their seats, it was a true feat. I have had a pretty nasty sinus infection the last week or so but the kids have been troopers about keeping up with me. I am truly looking forward to the day when I go in now, I couldn't have said that before, it's a nice feeling.