Thursday, December 07, 2006


Well, I am in Chicago and it is cold. I knew it was going to be cold. But to be honest, I was afraid to leave the airport on Tuesday. I could feel it and I thought maybe this was a mistake and I should just get on a plane and go back. But I forged ahead got a taxi and arrived at my cousins. After the taxi driver tried to drop me off at the care center across the street. I got in the building ok and it took me about 20 minutes to get in the door because the door was a little stuck.

When John got home we went to a bar and ate good chicken and warmed up a bit then we hung out for a while and went to bed. Wednesday morning we packed everything into a taxi again and went to the Dr. 's who said she wanted to admit me to the hospital for a five day stay but the wing was full and there was a waiting list. So I got all my luggage back into a taxi and came back to John's. I have stayed inside and watched movies but this morning I ventured out. Bad idea.

It is frigid out there. I walked three blocks to a Mexican/American grocery store run by an Indian man and then got a sandwich at Jimmy John's which was very exciting! And delicious. Then I walked three blocks back to the apartment and decided not to leave again until I absolutely have to.

The office called this morning and said I can't get in until tomorrow to the hospital and I am not feeling any better so I will watch more movies and take a nap. They gave me a couple shots yesterday but they didn't really help. Not that you are all caught up I will let you know when I get home o Michigan.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't worry it's supposed to be in the high 40s next week when you get here. That'll be warmer than when you went to school last week. -Sus