This is a picture of my forehead last night after the Ash Wednesday service at Hollywood United Methodist Church. I touched it up a bit so don't worry I am not Jaundice! My last post was Nov. 24th, a rough week for me personally. Today I have a completely different outlook.
Jesus spent 40 days in the dessert being tempted in order to save me and last night kicked off the annual time that Christians take to remember that journey and prepare for the Crucifixion. I was immediately reminded that not everyone is as blessed as I am to celebrate this day, not Fat Tuesday, but the day that represents temptation, denial, and a journey. I stopped at Yogurtland for a snack on my way home and as I walked in the door I heard, "Hey, is it Ash Wednesday?" The question wasn't directed at me but I knew my forehead was responsible for the thought.
At the beginning of December I made a commitment to myself to do better. Not at work or with family or with anything in particular. Just better. And I have. I feel good most days and can honestly say that I have done better. I have taken time to appreciate what I have. Last night I was again reminded of the blessed life that I lead as I sat and had homemade soup and great conversation with fellow churchgoers, worshipped my heart out and ate some mighty fine frozen yogurt and then to come home, watch the US win a gold medal and fall into bed happy.
Here are some other things that are a part of my blessed life:
Sarah - it is so amazing to have a best friend and confident to come home to in this big city. She laughs with me (and at me), cries with me, listens to my stories and encourages me constantly.
My Job - I spent a long time being angry that I did not have the job I wanted but once I accepted the situation for what it was I found out I am enjoying my art classes and embarking on an adventure with reading intervention.
Middle school students - They amaze me. I constantly learn from them and laugh with them and have great conversations on the state of the world, grocery shopping, parents and love. I love that I hear "Hi Ms. Knapp" at least 100 times a day and I never get tired of saying hi back.
Trace - An acupuncturist who I begrudgingly went to see with little hope about a year ago has turned into a confidant, a healer and friend. Because if her I can manage my migraines better than I have on any medication in the past.
The Twilight Series - yeah. I said it. I got the series for Christmas and read it all in two weeks. It renewed my interest in reading, I try to read a little every night before I go to sleep now.
My parents - For teaching me everyday to live the "what would Jesus do?" credo. I am amazed by their selfless acts and strive to live a life of service for others as they have.
There is so much more than will fit in this blog, I am overwhelmingly blessed today and everyday and I am excited to take a Lenten journey to find out how I can do better because I know I can.
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I love you!!!
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