Monday, September 04, 2006


Today I feel calm, it took me a while to figure out what I was feeling, but I think it is calm. Let me explain. Normally I feel tired, anxious, or ill. I know, I know, I am probably also insane but indulge me. We had a three day weekend and didn't do very much, in fact I talked Sarah into staying in bed until 4 p.m. yesterday watching 24 season 3. Then I cleaned the house and we cooked and hung out and then today I read a book and made tuna casserole and hung up a sun outside. It was very quiet and nice. Then a little while ago I was painting Sarah's toenails and watching season 1 of Grey's Anatomy and I thought something was wrong. I had this weird feeling in my stomach. At first I assumed it was anxiety but this was a new feeling.

Then I got to thinking, what if I have finally reached a point in my life where I am happy, clam and enjoying myself, not always trying to catch up or figure out what is next. I am content to go to work and teach my kids and come home and cook or watch T.V.

This is a good feeling and I hope it lasts for awhile. And for those of you who are wondering, I didn't even have to take extra meds to write this! Night!