Sunday, January 28, 2007

Tax Time!

It's that time of year again, the time that I have to collect every document to take to the tax people. Most people my age do short form but because I supposedly own a small business I have to itemize. This has its advantages because I can now file my school expenses and my medical expenses. This past year after insuarance I paid a total of $962.95 for prescriptions, that is out of pocket. And people thought I just didn't know how to manage my money, it turns out I don't have any to manage!

Yesterday I got this paper from the Michigan Department of Treasury inquiring about last year's refund, this makes me VERY nervous because last year all my tax documents got lost in the mail and I filed anyway so if audited I can prove nothing. Oh well, what are they going to do? Take my car that's not paid for?

It is Sunday night and it has been a crazy weekend, worked late Friday because I was behind on grading, class all day Saturday and the gym today. That's right we went to the gym today, our first time. I am so proud of us and it was fun. There is a weight room just for women and these fun machines that are like skiing. Tomorrow we are going to aerobics class. Then we went to Target and bought pedometers. Tomorrow is the first day wearing it, I will let oyu know how many steps I go, I am issuing a challenge to anyone out there to try and beat my steps so we can all be healthy together. They are fairly inexspenive, mine was 6 dollars. night!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As much as I love reading about taxes, I was wondering what else you've been up to. :-) --Sus