Sunday, June 17, 2007

Big Bang

Last Thursday I completed my second year at Crane. I am celebrating it as a success because seep down I like my kids and my job. The day was good, we saw them all for a little while, said our goodbyes. I sorted through some boxes and got rid of some stuff etc... Then the day ended. It was a half day and the kids were all crying, because, let's be realistic, this is the now for them. For a lot of these kids who move around and have very flexible families, school is the one constant in their lives. So everyone is crying and hugging and all the teachers are out for bus duty trying to herd them to the buses when all of sudden I am in the middle of a fight trying to pull one of my students off of another. They had a hold of each other's hair in death grips and refused to let go. I was pulling pretty hard on one and my fellow teacher Mrs. M was pulling equally hard on the other. The math teacher jumped in and the gimpy social studies teacher and police officer (who is on crutches at the moment) also tried to get in. It took some doing but we untangled everyone and I had to physically pick my student up and remover her from the area. We got them separated and calmed down pretty quickly because the 8th grade promotion was starting so there were parents milling around. Sarah in the mean time had been across the yard, seen what was happening and run to our aid. She went for the principal who was outside with us but oblivious to the whole thing.

I am still not sure what the whole thing was about my my student got pretty scratched up from fingernails and she was upset, she didn't start it and was apparently caught off guard. We also learned that another girl had been involved and slipped away during the commotion so we called her house and her mother brought her in immediately when she got off the bus.

It certainly ended the year with a big bang!

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