Monday, June 04, 2007

It ain't easy bein' green

I try to be conscious of the world and my impact on it. When the scientists said to stop using aerosols I did, when they said to stop using lead in products we did, when they said to stop drinking so much bottled water because the bottles were stacking up and not biodegrading fast enough I did, even though I miss it.

So now, even though I am trying to do what they say it's not enough and I have to wonder if it will ever be enough. Newsweek reported this week that male fish in the Colorado River are turning into female fish thus causing a reproductive problem and it is being caused by non other than anti bacterial soap being washed down the drains.

So now I am going to stop using anti bacterial soap as well. The scientists are investigating the link that this finding has on humans. They are seeing a connection to puberty starting earlier in girls and lower sperm count in men. The results could be devastating to our future. All of this from fish! And people wonder why I don't sleep.

1 comment:

brickmomma said...

john made fun of me yesterday bc I brought home our empty bottles and cans from the water park to recycle instead of throwing them away.