Saturday, June 02, 2007

Gone Green

Mary Kay has gone GREEN! No, your make -up will not be green, we are still MK Pink and proud of it but we have jumped on the environmentally friendly bandwagon. I got an order yesterday and it came with new packing material. Peanuts. OK, peanuts are not new but we usually get brown paper. These peanuts are special. They are made out of some crazy biodegradable stuff and they are OK to throw away because they will break down quickly or, are you ready for this...They dissolve in hot water. It really works. I poured them in the sink and soaked them in hot water and they disappeared down the drain. It was fantastic.

So now you have one more reason to buy MK, we're not just pink anymore, we're green too!

1 comment:

Sarah Knapp said...

Awww! Miss Piggy meets Kermit the frog:-)