Thursday, June 15, 2006

Hugs and Hormones

Well, it's over. My first official year as a teacher, my first officially earned summer off and my first year in Yuma, AZ. I guess I will have to change the thing on the blog that says I am a first year teacher. In some ways it has gone fast and in some ways it couldn't have gone slower. I a, usually the one crying at goodbyes but not today. Middle school kids are at a weird age, their hormones have taken control of thier bodies and they are just along for the ride. All the girls were crying today and some of the boys too. It was as if they would never see each other again. I kept telling them they would be back in six weeks but they just cried harder and begged me to go to eighth grade with them. I tried to explain that I would not be following them around for the rest of their lives and that there were very nice people waiting for them in their future.

At this point I also felt like a celebrity signing all the shirts and yearbooks and posing for all the pictures. It is very good for the ego.

It was nice to have all the hugs and thank yous and promises to coem visit. It did make me a little sad, I feel like they are my babies leaving the nest but I am also ready to get new students and not make all the mistakes I made this year. A fresh start.

I am all packed and ready to fly home tomorrow. I am very excited to get away from work and hang out with friends and family for a while. I also have to add that I am very, very sore from the dunk tank so the plane ride should be fantastic!

1 comment:

Sarah Knapp said...

How much will an autograph of yours go for on ebay?!?!?! :-)