Thursday, June 01, 2006

The boxes are coming, the boxes are coming!

Sarah's boxes have started arriving, I have six with promises of more on the way. I have started to clean out her room, it is amazing how stuff piles up so quickly. Tonight I went to the Yuma Scorpions opening night (this is equivelant to the Lansing Lugnuts). Minor league baseball is great and cheap. Although I learned life lesson number 2048: Never eat an entire bag of cotton candy after 7 p.m. because you too will be up doing laundry when you should be sleeping on a school night. And I don't even like cotton candy that much!

Tommorrow I am going to Sandiego for the weekend. This is the weekend of the marathon that I was training for. I was riding the bike and hurt my wrist, while riding 20 miles. I see it all coming back to you know. The race is Sunday morning so we will be going up and having fun Friday night and Saturday. I can't wait to get to some cooler weather for a couple of days. I got to the ballpark tonight and it was 107 degrees at 6:30 in the evening.

It is pretty much all down hill from here. We have 10 days of school left with lots of assemblies and B.S. stuff to break up the days. The kids are pretty much done working as am I so it is like a little game of how much can we pretend to be working and how long can do it for. Time to change the laundry, then maybe I can sleep. I will write more when I return from San Diego.

1 comment:

Sarah Knapp said...

Yay for boxes. Maybe by the end I'll just mail myself too:-) Then I an nap on the way there. I was up until 12:53 working and then didn't sleep well - ah who cares, this is life right!?!?! Eat some cotton candy for me tonight!