Sunday, August 20, 2006

Happy Birthday to Me!

After a pretty good week at school, we all ran out of the building Friday night and headed to my birthday party. Which was really a party as such but we ate greasy food and had a blast dancing the night away at one of Yuma's finest establishments. I won't go into anymore detail except to say that it was fabulous and I was glad to spend my birthday eve with all my Yuman friends.
Saturday, my actual birthday I got a massage and then Sarah and I went to Ihop and rented Entourage and watched the whole first season before I passed out at ten, still tired from the late night out. Today, Sunday we went to church, had lunch with "the girls" getting caught up form the summer away and then came home to watch the second season of entourage and I just mopped the kitchen floor. So I was a little productive today. I still have two sets of tests to grade for work but that won't take long.
Friday, I also got 2 dozen pink roses from my parents (thank you Sarah!) and earrings from that are beautiful and dangly. She always picks out the perfect thing. But the best gift was the three get out of Wal-Mart shopping coupons in my card. This is fantastic for me as many of you know I hate grocery shopping more than anything!
All in all it was a great birthday weekend and anyone who hasn't scene entourage it is very funny and I recommend it!


Sarah Knapp said...

I'm glad you love all your gifts:-)

brickmomma said...

Happy Happy Belated Birthday!! Love you, jamee

Anonymous said...

Yay, I'm glad you updated. --Sus