Monday, August 14, 2006

Interest Does Not Make A Specialist

So yesterday I packed a duffel bag and drove to El Cajon (just outside of San Diego) where I stayed in a hotel by myself. I wasn't robbed or raped or caught in a fire so this in itself was a feat for me. This morning I got up and drove (very slowly due to traffic) to the city of La Jolla (pronounced La Hoya if you were wondering) and successfully maneuvered the parking garage and found the right doctor's office. All of the above are things that give me incredible anxiety so I was feeling pretty good as I sat in the waiting room reading Joey Pigza Loses Control (phenomenal reading by the way).

They called for me and I anxiously awaited Dr. Aung who I was sure was going to be my savior in this land without good or even mediocre doctors. He came in, didn't want to look at the history I had brought from the Chicago clinic, in fact, he barely looked at me. He asked me several questions and then with no preamble stated that he could not help me. That was it. He was not a specialist in migraines. This came as quite a shock to me as I was told when I asked his secretary that he was, in fact, a specialist in migraines. When I told him this he said that the practice is interested in migraines but does not specialize in them.

Now, were I quicker on my feet, I would have said: I am interested in biking but I would never say I was Lance Armstrong. Or something equally sarcastic. As it was I started to cry and told him I didn't understand. He just kept repeating over and over that he couldn't prescribe or change any medication for me. The man didn't even offer me a Kleenex. He did however graciously agree to wave any charges for the office call. Which is nothing when you consider I spent over 6 hours in the car, $79 on a hotel room and $60 on gas to get there and be told that I had wasted my time. I walked tearfully to my car through the crowded waiting room where I am sure many people thought I had just received terrible news like I was dying from a brain tumor or something.

So I went and ate french toast and got my car fixed and came home. I did discover that my students were perfect angels just as I had expected and there will be no yelling tomorrow. This is such a change from last year already.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I loved the Lance Armstrong retort - isn't it always the way that we come up with responses much too late?

I hope your Chicago docs can recommend somebody who actually has a CLUE. How can he be interested in migraines but not treat them? Huh????