Tuesday, April 18, 2006

16 Miles

So I gotta tell you, I blogged before about blogging more and then no more! I really do suck at this but before you sign off and say you won't bother checking back I have a valid reason. I got a migraine on Thursday and have been off and on all weekend, mostly off. I will spare you the details since most of you have heard me talk about it on a regular basis and say that, once again, it was a most unpleasant experience.

So here's a fun story that you won't believe (but it is true!) I went on a 16 mile bike ride on Saturday morning. I know! It shocked me too. This girl I work with is training for a marathon in June and she asked if I would keep pace for her, it helps to have someone there I guess and not many people around here think going out for a 20 mile run is a form of fun. So I said I would go if I could bike.

So I went and I thought I would be dead and in much pain afterward but the only thing that has happened is that my butt was really sore from the teeny seat on those things, I mean seriously, who do they make those for. And I threw up at the Olive Garden from drinking too much water. So I am going again this Saturday because it really was fun and wasn't that hard at all so anyone out there having trouble getting on the exercise bandwagon try biking, just make sure you get a padded seat.

Now I have a complaint. It wouldn't be a blog without one, I know you were waiting for it. Stop asking stupid questions. Seriously. I am getting so sick of it. For instance, yesterday I called the apartment complex office to inform them that my air conditioning was not working and they needed to fix it. This woman's response was "can you tell me what it's doing?".... I said and I quote "It's not blowing cold air" and she was like oh and I was thinking I really hope your not the maintence person.

Then I got home and was trying to deal with this credit problem I have been having. Without going into a whole horrible story I will tell you that the credit card company changed my due date without notifying me (which is a new law that they can change it to 21 days) and said my account was past due. So long story short my parents decided to pay said credit card off and get them off my back but they couldn't. No one would take their money, not the store, not the internet, not the lady on the phone who informed me that the company was not set up to take checks over the phone and was there anything else she could help me with? (because she was so much help before) And then like 10 minutes later ( I am NOT joking) this man calls and says that he noticed my account was past due and could he take a check over the phone to take care of it right away. I said, I would love for you to take my check but you won't. So after several miniutes of him asking me to slow down and explain the situation to me he informed that my parents could very easily pay the card this way and they did and it was all over in a matter of seconds.

So, in conclusion, I ask you to stop asking stupid questions. Including, but not limited to, what is on your shouloder Ms. Knapp. A brthmark. Oh, are you sure it is not a tumor. Yes, I am sure it is not a tumor. And all of a sudden I know just how kindergarten cop felt all those years ago. Goodnight.


Sarah Knapp said...

That would be a mighty little tumor if it was one. Someone needs to get these students to an anatomy class stat!

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!

Anonymous said...

Hey what a great site keep up the work its excellent.