Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Intruder or Mistaken Identity???

I had some excitement last night - I got to call the police for the first time in Yuma. I happened to glance outside last night around 10 and saw a man sitting in my lawn chair. I ignored him for a few minutes hoping he was maybe just a passerbyer. But after 10 minutes he was still there and being paranoid I didn't want to go out and ask him why he was there so I called the police. They came and asked him some questions, did a breathlessly test and such. He was not drunk, but he was rambling a bit incoherently. Mostly what he kept saying was that she is home now so I have to be here. The police took him away, but not to jail because he technically hadn't done anything wrong except scare me a little (which, the policeman informed me, is not against the law - duh!). Today I talked with them and they took him home and no one was there but if he comes back I might have a case for a restraining order. I am not that worried. Everything is quiet tonight. I would like to think that he was just confused and thought he was at his house or something and everything is fine. The police talked with some of my neighbors and no one recognized him so they don't think he has been watching the house or anything.

Everyone at school freaked out though and wanted me to go get a gun and a dog after school. I calmly explained that I was not a big fan of dogs and if I was going to get a pet it would be a kitten which would not scare intruders so a pet was out. And the idea of giving me a loaded weapon is almost scarier than an intruder. I am not a police officer for a reason. I do however have a crow bar that has been relocated by my bed, after all, I am not stupid!


Anonymous said...

Why is the world so paranoid??

Sarah Knapp said...

Good girl - the crow bar will be easier to operate than the gun I believe. You could do a whole kung fu thing with it and twirl it around like a batton:-)
As for the paranoid comment - I think that whoever left this comment (and because it's anonymous we'll never know which is the great thing about blogs!) is that this person needs to take an English class. Paranoid means to be characterized by extreme suspiciousness, grandiose delusions, or delusions of persecution (Webster's New World Dictionary). I don't think you were any of those Lo. You were in fact more rational than I would have ever guessed you to be. You trust that this man is just confused and not out to hurt you. You didn't run right out and get a gun or change the locks or sit terrified in your bedroom all night. Good for you.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.