Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Finishing a Chapter

Tonight I closed a chapter of my life. I completed the scrapbook of the summer I spent working for mountain T.O.P. Now I know some of you are going to say, wow, it only took 4 years :-) and I know, it was a long time but scrapbooking takes time and you have to be in the right mood. Not to mention everything else I have done in those 4 years. But I just put the book together and it looks good if I do say so myself. It felt weird to go back and remember all of it. It seems like just yesterday. It really reminded me of how fast time goes.

Speaking of which, Sarah wants to know my favorite Bible verse and I have been putting her off because I knew it would be hard to pick one. So I had my Bible out tonight and decided to do it once and for all. I thought I would just flip through and pick one that was hilighted or underlined. HA. Half my Bible is underlined and hilighted. So the search continues. Which, coincidentally brings up reminders of the past and people I knew.

Tomorrow is the first golf tournament for my kids, we are all very excited and nervous but I will be proud of them no matter what because they are all great kids who try really hard. I remember (not so fondly) my first junior tournament. I came in second with a 90 something on 9 holes. It was a very long day. There were only three people in my age group and I beat Susie out! I still got a medal though. Here's hoping my kids do better than I did my first time out!


Sarah Knapp said...

Wow - if you beat Sus with a 90, what'd she have?!?!?!
YAY for the scrapbook, now we can start on mine in July!!!!

Anonymous said...

tell me about your marathon training......when is it? where? can i come? jamee

Anonymous said...

I would love to see the scrapbook. I will have to come out sometime and visit all my AZ friends!

Anonymous said...

Ummm I'm pretty sure that I beat you. If my memory serves me correctly. --Sus

Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.